La Biennale di Venezia

FONTANAMIX ENSEMBLE – Aligned with the theme of the festival that explores music as a generative principle and form of cosmogony, the FontanaMIX Ensemble proposes a repertory that fosters a dialogue between two figures who come from different historical and geographical contexts but share a focused research into the metaphysical nature of the cosmic dimension of sound: Giacinto Scelsi, the visionary Italian composer who celebrates the 125th anniversary of his birth this year and Vahid Hosseini, a composer born in Tehran in 1984, whose training embraces both Persian music and western experimentations.
Two authors, both of whom have been explored by the contemporary ensemble from Bologna, and who are widely separated in terms of history and generation, but whose paradox of exploring sound by bringing together distant worlds becomes the stimulus for them both for a profound meditation on the meaning of music and deep listening.
Scelsi, fascinated by the East and its esotericism, has profoundly influenced the French musicians known as “Spectralists”. Through his radical investigations into timbre that anticipate the minimalist aesthetic and drone, he has opened new avenues for listening in which music is experienced as an art that can hone perception and a new path to an understanding of the universe.
Hosseini, aligned with this thinking, brings his own experience as a composer trained in Iran, Italy, Finland and Germany. His composition explores the intersections between Persian music and the European avant-garde, placing sound at the centre of a reflection that involves the perceptive dimension of listening.
This musical journey weaves together East and West, past and present, exploring sound not only as a physical and acoustic phenomenon, but as a vehicle for a cognitive and transformative experience, that interrogates our relationship with time, space and sonic material.

Coming up on June and July

14.06.2024 19:00 Turm Konzertsaal, HMDK, Stuttgart
Premier of “Qahr” Concertino for Setar and Large Ensemble
event link

15.06.2024 19:00 Turm Konzertsaal, HMDK, Stuttgart
Improvisation with the Impro-Lab (Leitung Hannes Seidl & Tom Goemare)
Vahid playing Setar

16.06.2024 19:00 Turm Konzertsaal, HMDK, Stuttgart
Panel Talks about the compositions

28.06.2024 16:00 Gustav-Siegle-Haus, Stuttgart
Premier of  “Die Sorge des Odradek” on text by Franz Kafka,
composition commissioned by the Stirling-phil-Akademie

03.07.2024. 20:00 Turm Konzertsaal, HMDK, Stuttgart

SoundsTheatre performance in collaboration with ImprovEnsemble HMDK